How He Built a Real Estate Empire in his 30’s in Nigeria

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • In this episode, I met Mike, the founder of Strongmas, a real estate and automobile company with HQ in Lagos Nigeria, He Spoked about how he was able to build a successful real estate and automobile business at a young age, and we toured some of his projects in Lagos.
    If you are looking to purchase real estate, find attached their contact details
    PHONE - +234 901 077 7777
    WEBSITE - strongmasresid...
    IG - @strongmasresidences
    / stevenndukwu​​​​
    / stevendukwu​​​​
    @stevenndukwu on TikTok
    #realestate​​​​ #travel​​ #Lifestlye​​
    Reach me (Business only)
    Talk to you soon

Комментарии • 770

  • @lashaball5101
    @lashaball5101 2 года назад +98

    Why Nigerian are very cleaver? Many Africans young entrepreneurs need to learn from Nigerian. Love from Côte d’Ivoire.

  • @golahalifa2419
    @golahalifa2419 2 года назад +35

    I’m Ghanaian . Nigerian real estate guys are thinking!

  • @alusinekamara5365
    @alusinekamara5365 2 года назад +168

    Nigeria,Nigeria,Nigeria how many times do I Called you,if you continue like this in ten years time America will learn from you WOW

    • @ericdeniz5413
      @ericdeniz5413 2 года назад +19

      You really dont want America to set its eye on Nigeria. Look at Libya.

    • @ochiegodfrey6428
      @ochiegodfrey6428 2 года назад +3

      @@ericdeniz5413 😂😂😂

    • @aframaco9491
      @aframaco9491 2 года назад +2

      Three times 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @AfriqueAmericanPrincess
      @AfriqueAmericanPrincess 2 года назад +3


    • @phantomjosh2148
      @phantomjosh2148 2 года назад +2

      Bro look at Libya 🇱🇾

  • @LionKing-pp5kh
    @LionKing-pp5kh 2 года назад +21

    Nigerians are leading the continent to another level. If we exclude the leadership corruption I believe afrikan nations need to adopt the naija mindset in order to reach development and independence in their country.
    Greetings from Senegambia .

  • @isaac-kp2vl
    @isaac-kp2vl 2 года назад +44

    Sending love from algeria🇩🇿 to our brothers in Nigeria 🇳🇬

  • @edanpapa1208
    @edanpapa1208 2 года назад +17

    Poverty is a curse. May God Bless every one with a Beautiful Home

  • @justinkuo4783
    @justinkuo4783 2 года назад +60

    When i studied in Philippine,one of my classmate is from Nigeria.I heard a lot about Nigeria from him,but never had a chance to visit this country.I will go there once in my life!!!

  • @danielfrancois8915
    @danielfrancois8915 Год назад +12

    I'm Haitian 🇭🇹,i love Nigeria so much

  • @aframaco9491
    @aframaco9491 2 года назад +34

    This house is unbelievable! Our various governments should hire this sweet Naija man as a consultant on housing projects!!

  • @tonyrichards9794
    @tonyrichards9794 2 года назад +43

    Africa they don't show us on media watching from Houston Texas 🇺🇸

  • @mojoking252
    @mojoking252 2 года назад +39

    This is the kind of mentality that we need in Africa 🇸🇴🇳🇬

    • @louisbebensn2886
      @louisbebensn2886 2 года назад

      I think this is the kind of mentality that destroyed this country

    • @ZenithPlowden
      @ZenithPlowden Год назад

      It's already in Africa

  • @Simon-Simon-Simon
    @Simon-Simon-Simon 2 года назад +54

    better quality than some overpriced AUSTRALIAN projects
    as a Croatian builder well done guys

  • @c.mlevel.9110
    @c.mlevel.9110 2 года назад +23

    The guy is years ahead of time, much respect from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼

  • @booksquotes948
    @booksquotes948 2 года назад +18

    beatiful villas. love from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @Harmonizeerhym
    @Harmonizeerhym 2 года назад +173

    "Challenges will come, and when challenges come, we'll face it and over come it" Words of motivation.

  • @nnajicalebchidera5298
    @nnajicalebchidera5298 Год назад +12

    Irrespective of leadership and what is going on in Nigeria, I'm still proud to be a Nigeria 🇳🇬

    • @NdoloBlessing-wb6wk
      @NdoloBlessing-wb6wk Год назад +2

      I’m a Cameroonian all my friends are Nigerians I’m so proud of them.

  • @Dinero9898
    @Dinero9898 2 года назад +112

    Make Nigeria great again 🇳🇬. Love from GHANA 🇬🇭

    • @ikemmanuel7859
      @ikemmanuel7859 2 года назад +6

      There’s a Ghanaian RUclipsr currently in Naija showing the worst of the worst of Lagos. But Naija don’t care 🤷‍♀️ . His channel is 4K Africa. He just walk around Lagos making lame ass videos. Go check it out and see what your fellow country man is up to. So shameful!

    • @barbarafadare9579
      @barbarafadare9579 2 года назад +8

      @@ikemmanuel7859 Nigerians in Ghana should also go to their slums and make videos of it

    • @bayarokastiva7857
      @bayarokastiva7857 2 года назад +3

      @@barbarafadare9579 Bam

    • @jyde50
      @jyde50 2 года назад +4

      @@ikemmanuel7859 Stop watching that 4k Africa videos, any time you see a recommendation click the not interested or just ignore it. The more you watch his videos, the more views he gets and the more money he makes so just ignore his videos.

    • @jyde50
      @jyde50 2 года назад +2

      ​@@barbarafadare9579 please stop watching that 4k Africa videos. ignore it, if you watch it you are giving him views and money

  • @randyjohnson3412
    @randyjohnson3412 2 года назад +12

    WE here in East Africa could learn from our brothers in Nigeria and how best to make beautiful homes.

  • @MPANGA101
    @MPANGA101 2 года назад +15

    Nigerian real estate is on another level.

  • @derekmorrison4239
    @derekmorrison4239 Год назад +30

    I’m American and I’m inspired if he can do this in Nigeria I can do this in the hood 👍🏽

    • @ZenithPlowden
      @ZenithPlowden Год назад +2

      You definitely can but don't waste your money in the hood in the white man land put it in Nigeria and flip it then come back to America you will get more hmu for more details

    • @DamilolaAyenakin
      @DamilolaAyenakin 4 месяца назад

      yh if u earn a thousand dollars at least in a month or 2 months u can get close

  • @anthonywilliams-vx4cm
    @anthonywilliams-vx4cm 2 года назад +13

    You need to come to Trinidad and build thousands of these houses

  • @itgamingke
    @itgamingke 2 года назад +185

    We need him in Kenya to develop such properties in Mombasa. This is really amazing 🇰🇪❤️🇳🇬

    • @liontigerleopardlion1604
      @liontigerleopardlion1604 2 года назад +2

      Why not Nairobi, the private wealth in mombasa will make it too expensive

    • @ericndumbi1171
      @ericndumbi1171 2 года назад +4

      Kenyan developers could learn from him. The modern homes/apt they building are from 6 yrs ago

    • @mkballer4502
      @mkballer4502 2 года назад +3

      do it yourself and keep money for your community.

    • @M44-o9w
      @M44-o9w 2 года назад +2

      why dont you do it yourself?

    • @mkballer4502
      @mkballer4502 2 года назад

      @@M44-o9w i do

  • @wallstreet5455
    @wallstreet5455 2 года назад +12

    I love Nigerians . From Ghana..💯

  • @CanadianPrepper
    @CanadianPrepper 2 года назад +38

    He had me at bulletproof door 4:56, I hope Nigeria can emerge as an international player, with these types of entrepreneurs there is great opportunity

  • @karenhazel7526
    @karenhazel7526 Месяц назад +2

    The best part about this video is this man’s mind!!!!!! What a powerhouse of confidence and strong will 👏 kudos to him for believing in himself and seeing it through with action. May his tenacity rub off on me as I start my real estate journey. Much love from Germany ❤

  • @genuinediasporan
    @genuinediasporan 2 года назад +135

    As a student of art, I must confess the building is beautiful and the interior well suited. The young enterprinuer is inspiring. Technology is everything.❤️❤️🇬🇧👍🏻

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад

      32 ok my dear you are a very important person i really need you to save me i have been broke for a long time due to impossibility and it is difficult for me to find a job so i beg you the best of me find 5ghc for food aid please

  • @gototheantyousluggard2035
    @gototheantyousluggard2035 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for the inspiration naija
    I’m borrowing it for my 🇿🇦real estAte portfolio

  • @mahuyane
    @mahuyane 2 года назад +9

    Im a Zimbabwean brought here by the African tigress because of your recent visit to Zimbabwe however, I'm current living in Rwanda. Africa is such a beautiful place.

    • @StevenNdukwu
      @StevenNdukwu  2 года назад +1

      Welcome to the family

    • @Mrclintonugo
      @Mrclintonugo 2 года назад

      @@StevenNdukwu I will love to have that 30's years young man Instagram and Twitter account handle on media please 🙏.

    • @Mrclintonugo
      @Mrclintonugo 2 года назад

      @@StevenNdukwu i want to venture into real estate in future time very soon, so i really need to contact him so we can meet.

  • @progamerdude712
    @progamerdude712 2 года назад +6

    over here we see you, more power! one love👁💪🗽🇯🇲

  • @unstoppable7629
    @unstoppable7629 2 года назад +8

    I work 33 years around building.
    Respect to you. I leave the EU at the end of the year to do any for good people who need it.

  • @dotunfakile4358
    @dotunfakile4358 2 года назад +8

    When I heard everything is locally made, you earned my respect. Kudos.

  • @kissesbyqueseboutiquebatts5889
    @kissesbyqueseboutiquebatts5889 2 года назад +11

    I can’t wait to visit Nigeria❤️

  • @podcastdungars2495
    @podcastdungars2495 2 года назад +62

    As ivoirian this is a stunning type of construction, security and community construction like this need to be democratize thanks for this video Steven .

    • @tanishalavri3278
      @tanishalavri3278 2 года назад

      Je suis aussi ivoirienne. Le probleme au nigeria est le manque de verdure et de finesse. Je prefere largement la finesse des maisons ivoiriennes.

    • @tanishalavri3278
      @tanishalavri3278 2 года назад

      L'interieur par contre est mieux qu'en cote d'ivoire ça c'est sûr

  • @clementmensah2111
    @clementmensah2111 2 года назад +10

    This man knows everything about his field. What I always tell my friends is that first of all u need to be born with it. And he just mention it here

  • @larryniro
    @larryniro 2 года назад +16

    These houses are really really beautiful. And he's right about production and costs. Nigeria will definitely be great

  • @setapart3452
    @setapart3452 8 месяцев назад +1

    After watching many of these videos, I concluded that NIGERIA is the best at constructing residential properties. Respect from the UK & Philippines.

  • @avodahproductions2203
    @avodahproductions2203 2 года назад +34

    Very inspiring. One love from Jamaica ❤️🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲❤️.

    • @colossuses
      @colossuses 2 года назад +2

      One love Jamaica. Biggup 👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿🇳🇬

  • @mintchyhouse
    @mintchyhouse 2 года назад +34

    Beautiful interior design , great job ..I thought it was in Dubai or Miami in Palm beach 🏖️. I can see Nigeria raising the standard high , very inspiring.

    • @kingk2405
      @kingk2405 2 года назад

      That’s for the top 0.1 % of the population so these houses exists everywhere in the world .

  • @TheGlobeRealty
    @TheGlobeRealty Месяц назад +1

    Mike’s journey is truly inspiring! Building a successful real estate and automobile business at a young age is no small feat. His story proves that with vision, strategy, and hard work, anything is possible. Loved the project tour-Lagos is definitely booming! Keep bringing us these powerful success stories.

  • @sikazwejerry4620
    @sikazwejerry4620 2 года назад +6

    Well organized, focus, disciplined and hardworking mindsets can make impacts any where in the world. People with above attributes attract blessings and excel in everything they do.

  • @Koiva232
    @Koiva232 2 года назад +121

    I think Nigerians are too harsh on their country is perfect but Nigeria is clearly the dominant regional and economic LION of West Africa....much love from Sierra Leone

    • @victorikechukwunwachukwu4920
      @victorikechukwunwachukwu4920 2 года назад +32

      We’re harsh on our Country,because even Dubai is not supposed to see our back,with the natural and human resource we have

    • @Koiva232
      @Koiva232 2 года назад +15

      @@victorikechukwunwachukwu4920 Oh yeah i understand that for sure....Nigeria is not reaching its full potential but we should note that it is trending in that direction - there is still much work to do but one should always provide solutions to problems and be a part of the change we want to see

    • @azeezedo-omozuwa1820
      @azeezedo-omozuwa1820 2 года назад +13

      @@Koiva232 you are right! I believe it is because we have high expectations of Nigeria, where the country should be. We should be competing with Japan, America, Germany and co.

    • @Innsidelyfe
      @Innsidelyfe 2 года назад +7

      @@Koiva232 they are ipob always bashing Nigeria.

    • @Koiva232
      @Koiva232 2 года назад +7

      @@azeezedo-omozuwa1820 I agree - Nigeria should be a trillion dollar economy for sure.

  • @ogwuchedavid7283
    @ogwuchedavid7283 2 года назад +11

    @Steven Ndukwu I think you should get the contact of the company that made the local furnitures for the interior decoration and do a video on that. This will help to promote usage of locally made products. It will also make people to reach out to them instead of importing.
    Thank you.

  • @Lydialead
    @Lydialead Год назад +3

    I love the way he involved nature and not just bricks and Walls.

  • @colossuses
    @colossuses 2 года назад +17

    All locally made. So impressive 👌🏿👌🏿🇳🇬👊🏿

  • @karimdrameh8858
    @karimdrameh8858 2 года назад +6

    Very them or hate them nigerians are smart

  • @africanday7337
    @africanday7337 2 года назад +6

    Steven you're projecting Nigerian smart entrepreneurs; it illumines their creative talents

  • @MajorrBison
    @MajorrBison 2 года назад +23

    Good quality for sure, what pains me the most is when some people buy land only to build a house that resembles what they grew up in back in 1993 lol.

    • @aframaco9491
      @aframaco9491 2 года назад +1

      😂😂😂😂 chai !! Yabbis !!

    • @1face
      @1face 2 года назад +2

      You hit the nail on that bro especially in Congo. At least Nigeria and ghana and Kenya etc have some advance designs where as in Congo is old colonial designs which is well outdated

    • @therealist2866
      @therealist2866 2 года назад +5

      Design Nazi, abegi Do You - and let’s others do themselves. 🤦‍♀️
      Taste and aesthetic are PERSONAL! And HOMES are even moreso. So long as the quality is good, if a homeowner wants to reignite the ‘nostalgia’ she grew up with, let her have at it. Meanwhile, feel free to go build your own to your own personal and peculiar taste.

  • @samuelodeyemi5698
    @samuelodeyemi5698 2 года назад +5

    When I watch this video I like what I saw and I like Mike's statement he said he believes in Nigeria and that Nigeria will get better pls bro I want to buy a house in Ikeja how do get to your office.

  • @oludipe737
    @oludipe737 2 года назад +11

    His Architect is damn good!!

  • @alpinefreshacademy
    @alpinefreshacademy 2 года назад +5

    This is really beautiful. Well done to the young man. Beautifully designed, beautifully staged.

  • @NduNcanana
    @NduNcanana 2 года назад +25

    Absolutely stunning! This makes me want to relocate to Nigeria even more.

    • @ZenithPlowden
      @ZenithPlowden Год назад

      It will be a very smart move if you do let me know

  • @HaitiNewsToday
    @HaitiNewsToday 2 года назад +8

    Wow, this architecture is absolutely stunning. Very beautiful interior and exterior design.

  • @jubilantking
    @jubilantking 2 года назад +76

    Steven, please kindly follow up on the people who made the furniture. This is cool. I might order some to Ghana. I'm super impressed with the quality of the furniture and to know its locally sourced and made is super awesome. Please do a video to support those guys too

    • @godsgrace4434
      @godsgrace4434 2 года назад +9

      Please do a video of the furniture guys or business as soon as possible. Thank you. God bless you.

    • @mbantaobinna9985
      @mbantaobinna9985 2 года назад +3

      Inspired furnitures does the same they make lots of quality furnitures, first time i went there i never believed they were locally made.

    • @godsgrace4434
      @godsgrace4434 2 года назад +1

      @@mbantaobinna9985 where is the location or address of Inspired Furniture?

    • @mbantaobinna9985
      @mbantaobinna9985 2 года назад +2

      @@godsgrace4434 36 adds road, ajah, Lagos.

    • @godsgrace4434
      @godsgrace4434 2 года назад +3

      @@mbantaobinna9985 Thank you!

  • @jamesbanda168
    @jamesbanda168 2 года назад +13

    This is a beautiful contemporary building, inspiring

  • @musesakusaloka9968
    @musesakusaloka9968 2 года назад +22

    Wow.. very inspirational keep it up, we need such developments here in Zambia 🇿🇲

  • @tayoanchor
    @tayoanchor 2 года назад +42

    Beautiful architecture. Well done to the developer for the attention to detail, and to you too Steve for bringing such a gem to your audience.

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад

      32 nice my dear but today i realy need u to save me im broke this year due to sickness so i beg u the best with respect to found me 5ghc for food help please

  • @4evanigachukwu676
    @4evanigachukwu676 2 года назад +6

    So proud of this guy👏🏽👏🏽👍

  • @juliusikogho3226
    @juliusikogho3226 2 года назад +6

    Impressive and inspiring video Steven Ndukwu, greetings and love from the Netherlands always.

  • @saikoudibba7450
    @saikoudibba7450 2 года назад +4

    I pray for Nigeria to have the right leadership that will bring together bright minds like this gentleman to build it from ground-up. The Nigerian Enterpreneurs are world class... and when given the right platform, they can inspire the entire continent (though they are already inspiring the African continent- just lamenting on a nation-wide growth that affects every Nigerian citizen and resident).

  • @avodahproductions2203
    @avodahproductions2203 2 года назад +8

    Sit down together and solve the problem; together we can.

  • @j4v-cyberpunk-music
    @j4v-cyberpunk-music 2 года назад +14

    Lagos is to me the most fascinating towns of all and watching it thrive feels great!

  • @jesusshuttlesworth8231
    @jesusshuttlesworth8231 2 года назад +6

    Great story, Nigeria has potential!!

  • @R247Success
    @R247Success 2 года назад +9

    Great Job. This is what I call quality work. In Africa, we should go for the best of the best. We should believe that our people deserve it.

  • @estafonmcphee2214
    @estafonmcphee2214 2 года назад +2

    I remember when this channel had 2,000 subscribers now it’s nearly reaching 200,000

  • @makedajacksone
    @makedajacksone 2 года назад +24

    These homes are beautiful much love from 🇨🇲

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад +1

      sympa mon cher mais aujourd'hui j'ai vraiment besoin de toi pour me sauver je suis fauché cette année à cause d'un problème de trouble du comportement et il m'est difficile de trouver un emploi alors je te prie du mieux de me trouver 5ghc pour l'aide alimentaire s'il te plait

    • @truethots3088
      @truethots3088 2 года назад

      @@hopelife8130 indeed you have a behavior disorder problem. Continue begging on every post

  • @Pipeople2019
    @Pipeople2019 2 года назад +3

    God bless this Entrepreneur. God will keep him. Proudly Nigeria

  • @TravelIwuala
    @TravelIwuala 2 года назад +15

    May God continue to Bless him and you boss..
    Even we the viewers may out heart desires be answered 🙏🏼❤️

  • @mikikado1705
    @mikikado1705 2 года назад +2

    I love this guy, i swear everybody cannot be a leader. This short guy is a leader with brain 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @254_74
    @254_74 2 года назад +4

    With real estate, one will always come up with new ideas new and artefacts. Thank you Steve for walking us through our African rich continent.. Africa is rich

  • @focus711
    @focus711 2 года назад +8

    First here from Ghana 🇬🇭

  • @swaybryan524
    @swaybryan524 Год назад +1

    This guy is very nspirational ….very intellectual

  • @jojomargaux9295
    @jojomargaux9295 2 года назад +22

    My cheeks/ jaws hurt from all this smiling. I am so proud of this brother. Congratulations on all your success. I like what he said. He was buying all these cars and imported them, then sell them, because he believed in himself. He further said, have a plan, but even with your plans there will be challenges, ups and downs, keep going.

  • @maranello77
    @maranello77 2 года назад +9

    молодцы ребята, так держать! Успехов в развитии...классные дома!

  • @Innsidelyfe
    @Innsidelyfe 2 года назад +4

    Whoever is watching this God bless your hustle.

  • @CazzDanette
    @CazzDanette 2 года назад +19

    This is lovely I need this seriously thinking of moving from the US to Nigeria

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад +1

      ok my dear you are a very important person i really need you to save me i have been broke for a long time due to impossibility and it is difficult for me to find a job so i beg you the best of me find 5ghc for food aid please

    • @azeezedo-omozuwa1820
      @azeezedo-omozuwa1820 2 года назад +3

      Please do come to Nigeria. Lagos, Abuja, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, are places you can reside. You are always welcome.

    • @atamunoama3053
      @atamunoama3053 2 года назад +3

      @@hopelife8130 you no dey shame while some are making naija proud others bring shame and disgrace and you amongst them who brings the last two

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад +1

      @@atamunoama3053 just help ooo

    • @Innsidelyfe
      @Innsidelyfe 2 года назад +1

      @@hopelife8130 I wanted to help you but you're not replying to me.

  • @davetv4705
    @davetv4705 2 года назад +24

    He has really inspired me. I have been into real estate for two years now but I am yet to close a deal. I believe that my time is coming. Thanks for the video, Steve!

    • @notusual1456
      @notusual1456 2 года назад +1

      I have been into real estate for 8 months without closing a deal and I think I am cursed🥺
      We are not giving up br

  • @Kisha_Zuri
    @Kisha_Zuri 2 года назад +15

    Hey Steven! I'm your new "cousin" in New York! I love your content as I'm feeling a strong urging to move to Lagos. It's time to come home....💜

    • @emakporpeterson8515
      @emakporpeterson8515 2 года назад +2

      Give it a 6 month to one year try.

    • @heyniran
      @heyniran 2 года назад +1

      @@emakporpeterson8515 why discouraging him though?

  • @shelley6746
    @shelley6746 2 года назад +50

    What an absolutely Beautiful home ♥️ I’d be tempted to move to Lagos…lol I’m in the US! Great video as usual!

    • @abgbolobenii2245
      @abgbolobenii2245 2 года назад

      Yeah I think you should. Where in the US are you from?

    • @florentyves5091
      @florentyves5091 2 года назад +1

      Don't move to lagos, at least not now

    • @nimichronicle
      @nimichronicle 2 года назад

      @@florentyves5091 🤣🤣

    • @nneki1
      @nneki1 2 года назад

      @@florentyves5091 why did u say that

    • @IsaiahOyarese-xd4li
      @IsaiahOyarese-xd4li 5 месяцев назад

      @@florentyves5091 You are so evil

  • @patriciaayanbadejo6181
    @patriciaayanbadejo6181 2 года назад +5

    Great finish. Who is the builder of this work? Kudos to Mr Mike. His office also neatly arranged. Love the attention to detail and the muted colours

  • @nursevirgie5714
    @nursevirgie5714 2 года назад +39

    Nigeria 🇳🇬 is growing by leaps and bounds, it will surely be the number 1 country in Western Africa

    • @mimmyspecial
      @mimmyspecial 2 года назад +12

      I think it already is

    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад

      nice my dear but today i realy need u to save me im broke this year due to sickness so i beg u the best with respect to found me 5ghc for food help please

    • @nursevirgie5714
      @nursevirgie5714 2 года назад +8

      @@hopelife8130 I’m broke also. I wanted to ask you to help me

    • @barbarafadare9579
      @barbarafadare9579 2 года назад

      @@nursevirgie5714 🤣🤣🤣🤣 una no go kill person🤣🤣🤣🤣 you beg, I beg, we beg together!

    • @jennifermorgan8124
      @jennifermorgan8124 2 года назад

      @@hopelife8130 scammer

  • @michealnicholas1503
    @michealnicholas1503 2 года назад +10

    Steven keep showing us beautiful estate houses in Lagos and Abuja we need more of this ride on bro.

  • @jgichia8065
    @jgichia8065 2 года назад +4

    I've never seen anything more beautiful than this!! Kudos to the young man.

  • @seathacr4984
    @seathacr4984 2 года назад +2

    Excellent houses I like the design and the colour of the house.main gates are very nice.from india

  • @ernestokafor4823
    @ernestokafor4823 2 года назад +5

    Nice craft from Strongmas, we need these and more in Port Harcort, Nigeria. Great work Steve.

  • @leonardigweokolo2813
    @leonardigweokolo2813 Год назад +1

    Wow!!! These houses are cute. Bro you did an awesome job with this video. I almost didn't want it to end. Thanks

  • @samelobinna101
    @samelobinna101 2 года назад +6

    steve thanks for this interview, 🇳🇬 to the 🌎

  • @sunshinemodels1
    @sunshinemodels1 2 года назад +7

    people in Nigeria respect themselves, their neighbors, and their property.. you simply dont see that in 'America'

  • @clementinelunda434
    @clementinelunda434 2 года назад +5

    OMG 😲 You Young Nigeria 🇳🇬 👏🏼 are blessed smart , your story is inspired.. I am in 🇨🇦 thinking to move in Africa 🌍.. .please 🙏🏽 would you give price in dollars $ 💸

  • @kiaora7214
    @kiaora7214 2 года назад +3

    Beautiful homes.... I'm drooling 🤤 😋 👏 👏 👏

  • @FMercuryEA
    @FMercuryEA 2 года назад +7

    Hi Ndwuku ( Ndugu in swahili for Brother ), swing that architect's contacts this way. We got something for him down here.

    • @newfaction3435
      @newfaction3435 2 года назад +2

      pls let him go to mombasa not nairobi , the whole of kenya doesnt have to be centred around nairobi , the whole of nigeria isnt surrounded around abuja

  • @sidratulafleur2307
    @sidratulafleur2307 2 года назад +2

    I am inspired by this young entrepreneur of a man. This is my ideal kind of a man. A man who can inspire and motivate me. And a person who we can work together and build an empire ✍🏽

  • @foreverdave1985
    @foreverdave1985 2 года назад +21

    Steven great video 👌very inspiring 👍, keep giving us content like this bro 💯👌. Dave from Ghana 🇬🇭

    • @StevenNdukwu
      @StevenNdukwu  2 года назад +3


    • @hopelife8130
      @hopelife8130 2 года назад +1

      6 ok my dear you are a very important person i really need you to save me i have been broke for a long time due to impossibility and it is difficult for me to find a job so i beg you the best of me find 5ghc for food aid please

  • @christopheruhegbu14
    @christopheruhegbu14 2 года назад +2

    Oh Man am Motivated, pray to become young entrepreneur like him and investing In Real estate has been my biggest dream 😫😔🤲

  • @ericpowell4350
    @ericpowell4350 2 года назад +4

    Would love to see a separate laundry room. It's discomforting to see a washing machine in the kitchen. Bathroom light switches should be INSIDE the bathroom.

  • @samuelfukuzana3179
    @samuelfukuzana3179 Год назад +3

    Am from South Africa but wow that's the kind of infrastructure I would like to live around moving to another city in a new country up to world stands

  • @chineduozulumba7833
    @chineduozulumba7833 2 года назад +3

    I'm inspired by Mike's Agege story. The Enterprenuer's road is not smooth. I agree with that. We only admire the glory but when your hear the struggles, you learn to appreciate them. No need for envy

  • @GhostRhyder-019
    @GhostRhyder-019 2 года назад +3

    As a tech guy, I love smart homes and the structure of d house is stunning.

  • @DavidOA_Businessman09
    @DavidOA_Businessman09 2 года назад +15

    The contemporary townhouse showcases excellence at its peak and attention to details with emphasis on location, architectural design and technology configurations. I love the embrace of domestically-produced furniture, green-energy systems, smart-home automation and biodigester sewage system. One of my favourite quotes from the CEO is "When there is a problem, let's sit down together to face it and solve it." Kudos to Strongmas Residence Development Ltd.

  • @driversseat1707
    @driversseat1707 2 года назад +2

    I hope Nigerian companies manufacture everything from the bathroom toilet, bathtub to the faucets, to the light fixtures
    The workers that make those things will be able to purchase those home

  • @obazeeosazee2482
    @obazeeosazee2482 2 года назад +4

    Mentor, Passion and "never say never" are terms most of the entrepreneurs you interview share.